ProSieben quiz: New round for “Who steals the show from me?”

ProSieben quiz
New round for “Who is stealing the show from me?”

Anke Engelke challenges Joko Winterscheidt in “Who steals the show from me”. Photo: Henning Kaiser / dpa

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Anke Engelke, Mark Forster, Riccardo Simonetti saw Joko’s chair this time. “Who is stealing the show from me?” was one of the surprise hits of 2021.

Joko Winterscheidt jeopardizes his quiz master job again. The ProSieben show “Who is stealing the show from me?” goes into the third round on Tuesday (8.15 p.m.).

The comedian Anke Engelke, the singer Mark Forster and the entertainer Riccardo Simonetti are competing this time against the ProSieben figurehead Joko. The unusual concept that candidates steal his role from a quizmaster was one of the surprise successes of the year 2021. When show dinosaur Thomas Gottschalk took over the moderation at the end of January, more than 2.5 million viewers tuned in.

Everyone knows Anke Engelke

The role of the familiar popular figure this time obviously falls to Anke Engelke, who made one of her first appearances in 1979 on the ZDF holiday program for children and is now one of Germany’s most important comedians. Singer Mark Forster (“The Day After Tomorrow”) should pick up the very young audience. Model and presenter Riccardo Simonetti (“Joko & Klaas versus ProSieben”) rounds off the mix. From the world of non-celebrities, a normal mortal comes along every time. That these normal people, who only appear in one evening, have the hardest time, was seen again and again in the first episodes.

But the camp of celebrities not only had to struggle with knowledge gaps in historical data and geography: rapper Shirin David injured herself during rehearsals for an episode broadcast in August, but still made her appearance. What came out at the hospital after the show: Her ankle was broken. Six weeks in plaster of paris.

Joko’s challengers try to score points in eight quiz categories, divided into three profit levels. After each win level someone has to leave the show. In the final, Joko competes in a direct duel against the remaining person. Whoever wins is allowed to “Who steals the show from me?” design in the next episode according to your own ideas. Joko then fights as a candidate to win back his own show. The final round will be moderated by Katrin Bauerfeind.

Immediately after “Who is stealing the show from me?” ProSieben shows the fourth season of the sitcom “jerks.” with Christian Ulmen and Fahri Yardim as a free TV premiere.


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