Probable femicide followed by suicide

It would be a feminicide followed by a suicide. A woman and a man, aged around sixty, were found dead Monday in a house in Valframbert (Orne), the Alençon prosecutor’s office announced on Tuesday.

Monday, “following the alert given by a former work colleague, the emergency services [pompiers, service de police] were going there. After breaking a window to get inside the home, the emergency services discovered the body of a woman with numerous wounds on her upper body,” said the public prosecutor of Alençon. Laetitia Mirande in a statement.

“Disease related to separation”

“The continuation of the research led to the discovery in a closed garage adjoining the dwelling of the lifeless body of a man hanging from a beam”, added the magistrate.

According to the first elements of the investigation, the couple was in the process of separation, the deceased woman, who was 65 years old, was to “leave the home soon”, even if “no petition for divorce” had not been filed. The 66-year-old man “was able to talk to his professional entourage about his discomfort linked to the separation in particular”, according to the same source.

122 women killed in 2021

The couple was unknown to the police and gendarmerie services. An investigation was opened and entrusted to the urban security brigade of the Alençon police station on the counts of spousal homicide.

In 2021, 122 women were killed in France under the blows of their spouse or ex-spouse, according to figures from the Ministry of the Interior.

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