Pro-Russian separatists: Briton dies in captivity

Status: 07/15/2022 1:30 p.m

A Briton captured by pro-Russian separatists in Donetsk in April has died in custody. A spokeswoman for the separatists named “a series of chronic illnesses and stress” as the causes of death.

A Briton has died as a prisoner of war by pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. This was announced by Darya Morozova, a representative of the separatists, according to the Interfax agency.

Man is said to have had diabetes, among other things

A medical examination of the man after his arrest several weeks ago revealed a number of chronic diseases such as diabetes, lung and kidney weakness and several cardiovascular problems, said Morosowa.

“Given this diagnosis and the stress, he passed away on July 10.” The exact circumstances of death could not be independently verified. Despite “the seriousness of the crimes” he was accused of, the man received “appropriate medical care” in detention, Morosowa said. The mother of the deceased had previously stated that her son had diabetes and was dependent on insulin.

The UK-based aid organization Presidium Network announced on April 29 that two humanitarian workers it knew had been captured by the Russian army in southern Ukraine. There they tried to bring a woman and her two children to safety.

conflicting parties as a source

Information on the course of the war, shelling and casualties provided by official bodies of the Russian and Ukrainian conflict parties cannot be directly checked by an independent body in the current situation.

According to Separatists, mercenaries

The separatists accused the now deceased of having been a mercenary. In an interrogation video broadcast on Russian television, he stated that he had already fought in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. The information cannot be verified independently.

The separatists sentenced several foreigners to death as mercenaries for the Ukrainian troops. The deceased was not one of those convicted.

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