Pro-Palestinian demonstration: Activists occupy rooms at Berlin’s Humboldt University

Pro-Palestinian demonstration
Activists occupy rooms in Berlin’s Humboldt University

There are protests against the war in the Gaza Strip on the grounds of the Humboldt University in Berlin. There have also recently been pro-Palestinian demonstrations at universities in the USA. Archive photo

© Paul Zinken/dpa

Pro-Palestinian activists at Berlin’s Humboldt University accuse Israel of “genocide” and “ongoing mass murders.” The university is currently monitoring the situation. Police are on site.

Once again, activists have come out in support of the Palestinians and in protest against Israel occupied rooms at a Berlin university. The police and a dpa photographer initially spoke of around 50 people who were at the Institute for Social Sciences at Humboldt University from Wednesday afternoon.

Another 250 to 300 young people demonstrated on the street in front of it. A police spokesman said they were in close coordination with the university. A university spokeswoman said they were initially monitoring the situation.

In a statement, activists from the group called Student Coalition Berlin accused Israel of “genocide” and “ongoing mass murders.” They said it was about “unconditional solidarity with the Palestinian people.” The activists called on the university to accept their occupation and presence and to prohibit police intervention.

The Humboldt University is one of the three large universities in the German capital, alongside the Free University (FU) and the Technical University (TU). An occupation of rooms at the FU by the Student Coalition Berlin group was recently cleared by the police. There have recently been pro-Palestinian protests not only at universities in Berlin, some in the form of camps.


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