Princess Kate: Their first meeting in the Green Drawing Room

Princess Kate
Their first meeting in the Green Drawing Room

Princess Kate in the Green Drawing Room with her advisors.

© imago/i Images

Princess Kate has moved her family near Windsor Castle. Now she has also expanded professionally in the castle.

Last year Prince William, 40, Princess Kate, 41, and their three children moved into Adelaide Cottage near Windsor Castle. Now Kate held her first professional meeting since moving to the castle.

With a team of eight advisors, the princess planned and discussed the strategy for her organization Royal Foundation Center of Early Childhood. This takes care of researching and promoting the first five years of children’s lives.

Meeting in the Green Drawing Room

The meeting took place in the Green Drawing Room, a room featured in numerous paintings and photographs of the royals. Among other things, the wedding photos of Prince Harry (38) and Duchess Meghan (41) were taken there after the big ceremony.

Also on Twitter Kate made the “revealing first meeting” on the topic. Regarding images from the Green Drawing Room, she wrote that they discussed “a shared passion for the extraordinary effects of the first five years of life and how they shape us”. “Very exciting things are ahead…!”

The meeting brought together experts from various scientific and academic fields. The princess appeared in a black business suit by Alexander McQueen and a white blouse for the appointment.

Kate has been a champion of early childhood education for many years. She recently chose a daycare center for her first public solo performance of the year. “If we are to create a healthier and happier society for future generations, we must begin by understanding and acknowledging the unique importance of the first five years of life,” she wrote in 2022 in a guest article in the British “Telegraph”.


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