Prince William: Spice Girl Geri Horner supports him

Prince William
Spice Girl Geri Horner supports him

The prince and the singer: William and Geri Horner visited a school in Newport on June 26.

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Prince William has presented a new project against homelessness. He received prominent support.

Prince William (41) attended a school in Newport with singer Geri Halliwell-Horner (50). The background is a new royal project in the fight against homelessness. Various media reported on this like “BBC”.

In the footsteps of Diana

The British heir to the throne is currently touring the UK to present his Homewards programme. He follows in his mother’s footsteps. Princess Diana (1961-1997) also campaigned for the homeless. On his third stop in Newport, Wales on June 26, William received celebrity support from Spice Girls star Gari Halliwell-Horner. Together they visited Maindee Primary School, talked to those in charge and spent time with students. The meeting discussed how local schools can support families and intervene early to prevent homelessness.

William later thanked him on his Instagram page “for an inspiring day of talks on some of the key issues we are addressing in tackling homelessness”.

Proud Ambassador

Also Ginger Spice Geri Halliwell-Horner posted after the appointment: “Education helps break the generational cycle of homelessness.” Thanks to the new program, “more collaboration can help improve efforts and show that together we can end homelessness.” She is happy to be a Homewards Ambassador. The British singer has long advocated campaigns for women who are victims of domestic violence. Since those affected who flee difficult situations often become homeless, the new campaign is particularly interesting for them.

The prince also visited a housing project for the homeless. Speaking to residents of the Hill Street project, William said he believes everyone should have a “safe and secure” home. The program focuses on six locations and is scheduled to run for five years. Before Newport he had already visited Lambeth and Bournemouth.


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