Prince William: Palace responds to his tirade

Prince William
Palace responds to his tirade

Prince William and his family on the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

© imago/cover images

A photographer who ambushed Prince William and his family was allowed to listen to a lot. That’s what the palace says about the royal outburst.

Prince William (40) accidentally became a YouTube star. According to British media reports, a video showing the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II (96) reprimanding a photographer appeared briefly on the platform. And apparently found a lot of spectators. Kensington Palace has now commented on the clip, which is said to have been created in early 2021.

That should be visible in the video

The Duke of Cambridge was apparently out with his family on a bike ride near their Anmer Hall estate in Sandringham when the royals bumped into the alleged paparazzi. According to the reports, an angry Prince William can be seen in the clip, accusing the photographer: “They were out here looking for us.” William also says in the clip: “How dare you behave like that towards our children? Sneaking around here looking for us and our children?”

And further: “I’m out on a quiet bike ride with my kids on a Saturday and you won’t even tell me your name. You’re rude, you’re disgusting… Why are you here?” According to “Sky News”, the 40-year-old also scolded: “Thank you for ruining our day” after calling his security to report the incident.

You should also hear the voice of William’s wife, Duchess Kate (40), as she says: “We are on a bike ride with our children, we saw them at our house.” The Duchess and the couple’s three children, Prince George, 8, Princess Charlotte, 7, and Prince Louis, 4, are apparently absent from the video. The photographer claims that he only used public roads and denies any wrongdoing.

That’s what the palace says

As reported by The TelegraphKensington Palace said the video violated Prince William’s family’s privacy. In addition, palace employees allegedly tried to have the video removed. Apparently with success.

Prince William, who witnessed his mother Princess Diana’s (1961-1997) experience with the paparazzi as a child, is very concerned about his family’s privacy. The Cambridges share a small number of photos of their children each year, in return for which the British media is reluctant to share photos of their private lives. The future king has publicly criticized the fact that the social networks play by different rules.


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