Prince Philip’s first anniversary of death: The Royal Family misses him more than ever

1st anniversary of death
The Windsors in turmoil: Now Prince Philip is missing more than ever

Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth were married for 73 years

© Fiona Hanson/ / Picture Alliance

Clarity, fearlessness, far-sightedness – these character traits distinguished Prince Philip throughout his life. And they could have saved the Royal Family from recent negative headlines.

It’s been a year since Prince Philip closed his eyes forever at Windsor Castle. He left behind a monarchy in turmoil. For years, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles and their staff have been preparing the royal family for the change of throne. It’s no news that the Prince of Wales has his own vision for his court. He inherited the boldness to put these plans into practice from his father.

For decades, Prince Philip has run the Windsors’ fortunes behind the scenes. Not only was he his wife’s “strength and support” – as the Queen revealed in a very rare public declaration of love – but also the undisputed head of the family. The queen represents the outside world, Philip set the tone within the family. It is clearer than ever that this rock in the surf, who had no problem addressing grievances openly and bluntly, is missing.

Prince Philip would have discussed William’s plans with him

The first ideas for Prince William’s court have recently leaked out. Accordingly, the king wants to establish an even slimmer, more focused royal house after Charles. In concrete terms, this should mean that William and Kate limit their patronage to a minimum, increasing their involvement in these organizations. In addition, the Duke of Cambridge wants to minimize the large events in which he and his wife take part, and to get in direct contact with the British more often through so-called “meet and greets”.

During his performances, Philip often let it be known that he didn’t find the countless flying visits that exciting. He once quipped that he was the “world’s greatest plaque revealer.” This task, the pulling or pushing aside a curtain over a new plaque on a newly inaugurated building is the basics of the Royals. Despite his flippant nature, the Duke of Edinburgh always appreciated face-to-face contact with people and how much it meant to them to speak to him or a member of the Royal Family. Certainly Philip would have spoken at length with William about his plans and acknowledged that the monarchy needs to move with the times and make changes.

The Duke of Edinburgh made sure the Queen’s coronation was televised

It was Prince Philip who persuaded his wife and her advisors to televise their coronation 70 years ago. At that time, the royal family was also in a state of upheaval. Although Philip was a man of his time – not least to be seen in his traditional distribution of roles in the family – he was also always interested in progress. And so he recognized early on the power of images and how important it is to give people an insight into royal life in order to remain relevant.

This also includes the fact that the native prince of Greece and Denmark campaigned for the environment decades ago. He shared this commitment with his eldest son and grandsons William and Harry.

Philip was particularly attached to them. The princes were vacationing at Balmoral Castle with their father and grandparents when their mother died in Paris. The Queen’s husband took the young men – aged 12 and 15 at the time – hiking in the Highlands. He was also initially strictly against letting his grandchildren walk around London behind their mother’s coffin. A government official at the time who was involved in the preparations for the funeral service later recalled that Philip’s voice suddenly echoed through the room. Without further ado, the prince joined the conference call loudly and expressed his opinion. After all, his grandchildren should walk behind the coffin – with Philip at their side.

It was said that Philip was not happy about Harry and Meghan’s departure from royal family in 2021. But he probably could understand it. At the beginning of his wife’s reign, he himself had difficulties adjusting to the new routine. This is said to have caused turbulence in the royal marriage. But with the time and space the Queen allowed him throughout their marriage, the rebellious Prince Without a Country became a loyal Prince Consort. Service to the Crown was a priority for Philip. And so he would probably never have allowed his son Andrew to appear in public again. The damage the Duke of York has done to royalty is undeniable. A cardinal mistake for the strict father. But now that Queen Elizabeth is left alone, without her husband’s corrective, Andrew is free to go.

Philip’s presence, his qualities of character are absent from the Windsors.

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