Prince Harry still has images of the war in mind

Deployment in Afghanistan
Prince Harry still has images of the war in mind

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan in September in New York City

© Evan Agostini / Picture Alliance

On US Veterans Day, Prince Harry spoke to relatives of soldiers in the US. He also went into his own war experiences.

His time in the British Army is considered to be one of the most formative of his life. Prince Harry has often revealed this himself. It pained him all the more to have to forego his military awards after the so-called “Megxit”.

Prince Harry talks about Army experiences

On US Veterans Day, the ex-royal and his wife, Duchess Meghan, visited an army base in New Jersey and spoke to members of the armed forces there, among other things.

The stresses and strains of working for the family were also discussed. The people at home, far away from the war, but also for soldiers themselves. Prince Harry himself spent ten years as a soldier on several deployments, often away from friends and family. And he emphasized how difficult it is for returnees to get used to normal life away from the army.

“My military experience made me what I am today, and I will always be grateful for the people I was allowed to serve with – no matter where in the world we were,” said Prince Charles’ son, adding then added: “But in war you also see and experience things that you hope no one else has to experience. These stay with us, sometimes like a slide show of pictures.”

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Still his happiest time

It’s not the first time Prince Harry has spoken about his mental health. But contrary to what he might have thought, his work as a soldier is fondly remembered. In his Apple TV + documentary “The Me You Can’t See”, he told talk show host Oprah Winfrey that his happiest time was actually in the army. Despite the terrible war images.

“Because I had to wear the same uniform as everyone else. I had to complete the same training as everyone else. I started from the bottom like everyone else,” he explained in an interview. “That’s where I felt most normal, and in my younger years I felt most comfortable in Afghanistan, away from the media,” said Prince Harry.


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