Prince Harry scolded by Spotify boss

Prince Harry had to cope with a serious setback.

Image: POOL AFP / Ben Stansall


Published: 06/18/2023, 18:19

It was this week’s surprise news: Spotify has ended its collaboration with Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan. Shortly after their final departure from royal family, the Sussexes announced that they had signed several lucrative deals with the film streaming service Netflix, with the publisher Penguin-Randomhouse and the music streaming service. Then there was radio silence for a while, and their fans waited in vain for projects by Harry and Meghan on the platforms.

Last year, Meghan and Harry got started: In August, the first episode of Meghan’s podcast “Archetypes” was released on Spotify, in December Netflix released the documentary “Harry & Meghan” about the couple’s departure from the British royal family and in January came with ” Save” Harry’s memoirs to the market.

After the Spotify deal burst, a high-ranking employee of the streaming service is now speaking. He takes the opportunity to lash out violently at the Sussexes.

Prince Harry: Spotify manager settles accounts with him

“Spotify and Archewell Audio have mutually agreed to go their separate ways and are very proud of the series they have made together,” said a spokesman for Harry and Meghan.

While the couple initially did not comment on the end of the collaboration, Bill Simmons is now doing it again. He is “Head of Podcast Innovation and Monetization” at Spotify and, as his statements suggest, also looked after Harry and Meghan in this function.

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In his own podcast he now finds few friendly words for the prince and his wife. He says:

“‘The damn crooks’. This is the podcast we should have done with them.”

The author and podcaster then hints that he has a lot to share about Harry. “I was supposed to get drunk for a night and tell about the Zoom call I had with Harry trying to help him with a podcast idea. It’s one of my best stories,” he said on his podcast.

There was bad news for Harry and Meghan this week.

Image: PA Wire / Kirsty O’connor

Sounds like there were difficulties between the Sussexes and the streaming service right from the start of the collaboration.

“Shoot that guy to the moon”

It’s not the first time Simmons has fired heavily at the Sussexes. Harry, in particular, regularly gets anything but good from him. “Shoot that guy to the moon,” he said on another episode of his podcast in January. “I’m so tired of him. What does he contribute? He just complains about everything and gives interviews.”

Meghan is now said to be planning another podcast project with another provider. However, these reports have not yet been confirmed.

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