Prince Harry: He was “deeply touched” by these photos

Prince Harry
He was “deeply touched” by these photos

Prince Harry, here at an event last year, was “touched” by the photos submitted.

© ALPR / AdMedia / ImageCollect

Not only Duchess Kate seems to be familiar with photography. Prince Harry headed the jury for a children’s photo competition.

Duchess Kate (39) is known as a passionate hobby photographer. But Prince Harry (37) also apparently has an eye for good shots. The Royal was the head of the jury for a photo competition under the motto “Hopes and Dreams: My Life through a Lens”.

The competition for children and young people was carried out by WellChild. Harry is the patron of the UK charity. It supports families with seriously ill children and adolescents so that they can be cared for at home and do not have to go to hospital, insofar as this is possible. The pictures should show what life is like for young people and their families who need such help.

“Incredible Optimism”

“The children and families I was able to meet in the years of my work with WellChild have shown incredible optimism, bravery and resilience,” Harry explains in a statement. He is not only proud to have been part of the jury: “I was deeply touched by every single photo because they capture a moment and tell so much about their personal story.” Everyone from the “WellChild family” is a “true inspiration”.

In addition to Harry, the photographer David Yarrow (55) and the British TV personalities Gaby Roslin (57) and Ed Chamberlin (47) sat on the jury. The winning pictures shows the organization, among other things, on its Instagram account. The competition should also indicate an auction in which works by more than 30 artists, including Rolling Stones legend Ron Wood (74), to be auctioned for a good cause.


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