Prince Harry & Duchess Meghan’s everyday family life in America surprises

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have arrived in the USA after their royal resignation. “Endgame” author Omid Scobie reveals how the couple lives there.

Prince Harry & Duchess Meghan: A down-to-earth decision in their everyday family life in America is astonishing

In the last few months, rumors of crisis in Harry and Meghan’s marriage have repeatedly caused a stir. However, according to insiders who spoke to Omid Scobie about the Sussexes, the couple are “closer than ever” and are said to be “really happy” in America. The Prince and Duchess wanted to move away from a predetermined protocol – in Santa Barbara they now write the rules themselves. According to a “source”, the parents of Archie (4) and Lilibet (2) always spend the mornings as a family – completely alone .

“While Meghan is already preparing a family breakfast in the kitchen, Prince Harry is busy preparing the couple’s children, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet, for kindergarten and playgroup, respectively.” Despite having staff on hand to assist them during the day as Harry and Meghan shift into work mode, the Sussexes keep their mornings as “family-only” time, according to a source – “unstaffed,” says chapter nine of ” “Endgame”. A down-to-earth and amazing decision. Employees – which Harry and Meghan certainly have – only enter the house “when they switch to work mode”.

Like Princess Kate & Prince William: Harry & Meghan are “Hands-On Parents”

Incidentally, part of the morning program involves Archie and Lilibet being taken to the respective day care center by either Harry or Meghan. The Sussexes personally bring their kids to kindergarten and the toddler group – and “take turns” doing so. Just like Prince William (41) and Princess Kate (41), they want to be “hands-on parents” and actively help themselves. The Prince and Princess of Wales also bring Prince George (10), Princess Charlotte (8) and Prince Louis (5) to school themselves whenever possible. There are always paparazzi photos that show Harry or Meghan with their offspring holding their hands or arms on the streets of Montecito. Here Archie and Lilibet can grow up much more anonymously and are protected. Except for the agreement when it comes to everyday parenting, the Sussexes don’t want to follow Harry’s brother and sister-in-law’s example. The royal dropouts should aim for a future completely free of further revelations from their time in the palace.

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