Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan worry about their chickens because of Puma

Puma roams the neighborhood
Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan worry about their chickens

Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry have already shown their chickens to talk icon Oprah Winfrey.

© Imago Images

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have been warned of a cougar roaming their neighborhood. Your chickens could provide easy prey for the predator.

Prince Harry, 37, and Duchess Meghan, 41, have been warned of a puma currently roaming their neighborhood. The couple have been instructed to secure their $14.6 million estate in Montecito, California. Especially her flock of chickens is an easy target for the predator.

Chickens are easy prey

As “Mail Online” further reports, the puma was spotted on surveillance videos just eight kilometers from her house. The clip shows the animal creeping down the driveway of a house, past garbage cans and a car, before disappearing into the distance.

Experts suspect that the big cat was actually in the mountains in search of food and water. Because of the currently severe drought in California, it could have penetrated into the inhabited areas. Sharon Byrne, executive director of the Montecito Association, said: “We want all local residents to secure their homes and chicken coops and any other animals they have. Chickens can be a quick and easy source of food for hunting animals, so they need to be protected. ” Despite all the concerns, Byrne also gives the all-clear: “Mountains are loners and ultimately don’t want to be around people, so we hope this animal will move on on its own.”

In addition to cougars, the area is also home to coyotes, bears, and deer. Therefore, the residents were also advised to close their garbage so that the animals could not rummage around in the waste. Night lighting, alarm systems and cameras should also be helpful.

Prince Harry and Meghan rescued chickens

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan adopted rescued chickens during the pandemic. The poultry also appears in the children’s book “Unsere Bank”, which Meghan published in June 2021. Harry and Meghan gave a behind-the-scenes look at their home as part of their interview with 68-year-old talk show icon Oprah Winfrey. In one clip, the three were seen in the open-air area of ​​the chicken coop with the words “Archie’s Chick Inn” written on them.

Britain’s Prince Harry and then-US actress Meghan Markle celebrated their wedding in May 2018. A year later, her son Archie Mountbatten-Windsor was born in London, followed by daughter Lilibeth in Los Angeles in June 2021. Since the beginning of 2020, the family has no longer worked for the British Royals and lives in the USA.


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