Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan: Sweet Christmas card with the children

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan
Sweet Christmas card with the kids

Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry have published a photo of their daughter.

© imago images / ZUMA Wire

Harry and Meghan give their fans a special Christmas present: The couple published a photo with their children Archie and Lilibet.

It’s finally here, the first real family photo of Prince Harry (37), wife Duchess Meghan (40), Archie (2) and Lilibet (6 months). Just in time for the festival, the couple sent a Christmas card with the cute picture. The NGO Team Rubicon has on twitter thanked both of them for their support in helping refugees and published the card. The photographer of the picture, Alexi Lubomirski, also shared the photo on his Instagram account.

Casual outfits and happy parents

In the photo, Duchess Meghan holds up her daughter and beams at Lilibet, who is wearing a white outfit. Prince Harry, who is holding son Archie on his lap, looks into the face of his youngest child with a laugh. Just like their son, the couple wears casual jeans, the hair color of dad’s color. Harry paired it with a light blue shirt, while his wife paired it with a dark blue sweater. The family has apparently made themselves comfortable together on the veranda steps. According to “People” the photo was taken in the summer on her property in Santa Barbara. “The story of this family, which I photographed first as an engaged couple, then as a married couple on their wedding day, and whose love has now manifested itself in two beautiful children, was a great honor,” said Lubomirski in his post.

“People” also reports that Harry and Meghan completed the picture on Team Rubicon’s Christmas card with the following lines: “We welcomed our daughter Lilibet to the world in 2021. Archie made us a ‘mom’ and a ‘dad’ , and Lili made us family. ” With the couple looking forward to 2022, “we have donated on your behalf to a number of organizations that support families – from those relocated from Afghanistan to American families in need of paid parental leave.”

The couple has been married since 2018 and lives with their two children in Montecito. They settled there after stepping down from their duties in the British royal family in early 2020. In June 2021, the Sussexes announced the birth of their daughter Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor. Their son Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor was born in May 2019.


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