Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan: “Happy Birthday” serenade in Düsseldorf

Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan
“Happy Birthday” serenade in Düsseldorf

Prince Harry was happy about the “Happy Birthday” serenade.

© imago/i Images

Spectators sang “Happy Birthday” to Prince Harry as he appeared with Meghan at a sporting event in Düsseldorf.

Prince Harry (39) did not receive an official birthday greeting from his British royal family until midday, but the spectators at the Invictus Games in Düsseldorf serenaded him.

The delighted Duke of Sussex received warm greetings when he attended a volleyball game with his wife, Duchess Meghan (42), this Friday (September 15th).

The two of them and around a dozen companions had a preliminary celebration the evening before with German beer and traditional food in the restaurant “Im Goldenen Kessel” at the Schumacher brewery in Düsseldorf.

“Is it someone’s birthday?”

Harry and Meghan looked fit as they sat down in the stands at the Merkur Spiel-Arena. Then the stadium announcer asked the crowd: “Is there anyone here celebrating their own special occasion today? Is anyone having a birthday? Oh, I think it’s someone’s birthday. One Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, turns 39 today . Happy birthday! Let’s sing along.” Said and done.

The crowd sang along to the song as Harry clapped and rejoiced – before shouting a “thank you” to the audience. Meghan beamed at him proudly.

The second-born son of King Charles III. (74) and his wife are currently in Düsseldorf because the Invictus Games, founded by the Invictus Games, are taking place there. The sports competition for disabled soldiers and their families ends on September 16th.


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