Prince Andrew: Virginia Giuffre’s lawyer wants to question him in London

abuse procedures
Virginia Giuffre’s lawyer wants to interview Andrew for two days – and criticizes the prince’s tactics

Prince Andrew wants to defend himself in a civil lawsuit against allegations of abuse by plaintiff Virginia Giuffre

© Neil Hall / Picture Alliance

David Boies is Virginia Giuffre’s defense attorney in Prince Andrew’s abuse trial. In an interview, he called the Royal’s strategy implausible and announced that he would cross-examine the Queen’s son.

In the abuse proceedings against Prince Andrew, the plaintiff’s attorney is surprised at the 61-year-old’s tactics. “Blank denial combined with targeting the victim is simply not a credible defense,” David Boies told the British newspaper “Daily Telegraph”. “He could have said, ‘I didn’t know she was underage.’ He could have said, ‘It was a perfectly consensual affair,'” Boies said. “There are a number of things he could have said that are difficult would have been vulnerable.” But Andrew’s approach of denying everything is incomprehensible.

The Queen’s son plans to face a jury trial in the lawsuit. A document his lawyers filed in court in New York last week again dismisses allegations that Andrew sexually abused Giuffre when he was a minor. In addition, eleven reasons are listed why the civil action should be dismissed.

However, the evidence is overwhelming, Boies said. He was particularly reminiscent of a 20-year-old photo in which Andrew put an arm around Virginia Giuffre’s waist. Ghislaine Maxwell, who was friends with Andrew and was found guilty in the abuse scandal surrounding US entrepreneur Jeffrey Epstein, can be seen in the background.

Prince Andrew and his ill-fated BBC interview

In November 2019, Prince Andrew claimed in a BBC interview that the photo with Virginia Giuffre was a fake. He never met the woman. The interview, which was intended as a liberation, ended in disaster. After this appearance, Andrew was no longer allowed to attend appointments for the royal family. Earlier in the year, the Queen also stripped her favorite son of his military titles and patronage.

Attorney Boies said in the interview that to this day he cannot understand how Andrew’s advisers allowed the BBC talks to take place. “It wasn’t a tough interview and yet he came off so badly. That was mainly because of his attitude. He showed no remorse. No sympathy for the victims. And if it’s played to the jury, which probably will be the case, show it it’s just his callousness,” said the 80-year-old.

Boies himself plans to travel to London to cross-examine Prince Andrew for a day or two. According to the court’s decision, this must be done by July 14. “I’ll try to make him understand that it’s not about a fight. Of course I’ll ask him a lot of questions. And although some of the questions might be awkward, I won’t be aggressive or offensive in any way. I’ll be very respectful ‘ he told the Daily Telegraph. However, he will not speak to Andrew’s ex-wife Sarah Ferguson. This also applies to the Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice and the Queen herself.

Lawyer David Boies expresses regret to Queen Elizabeth II

David Boies feels sorry for the monarch. “This must be a nightmare for any mother. And that it is so public because of Prince Andrew’s position is particularly unfortunate. The magnitude it must be for her is far worse.”

The lawyer again did not rule out an out-of-court settlement. A multi-million pound payment is under discussion. The British Newspaper “The Sun” reported £14million. His client Virginia Giuffre is not about money, but about recognition for herself and other victims. “It cannot be that someone escapes responsibility just because they have wealth and power. Prince Andrew should be held accountable,” Boies said.

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