Prince Andrew turns 62 – but the day is overshadowed by the scandal

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No party for “Randy Andy”: Prince Andrew turns 62 – but the day is overshadowed by the scandal

Prince Andrew celebrates his 62nd birthday on February 19

© Andrew Mccaren / Picture Alliance

Prince Andrew will be able to celebrate his 62nd birthday without the burden of an upcoming lawsuit on his shoulders. Nevertheless, he should have imagined the day differently.

Prince Andrew doesn’t really like to stay away from a party. The son of Queen Elizabeth II has honestly earned the reputation of the party prince over the decades. “Randy Andy” (“Geiler Andy”) he was called for a long time. Women and celebrations were part of his life, as were luxurious trips abroad and flights in private jets. But that should be the end of it now.

It’s Prince Andrew’s birthday

Andrew’s 62nd birthday has been overshadowed by the scandals of recent years, particularly the out-of-court settlement he just reached. On Tuesday, his lawyers announced that the Duke of York will pay money to his plaintiff Virginia Giuffre’s charity. He admitted no guilt in his statement, and yet the agreement flies in the face of Andrew.

The British have been speculating for a few days as to how the royal will raise the estimated £12 million he has promised Giuffre. It is possible that Queen Elizabeth II will contribute some money, which in turn could trigger the next scandal: Will Prince Andrew possibly benefit from public funds?

title lost

Unlike last year, the government in London ordered no flags on government buildings for Prince Andrew’s birthday for 2022. The scandal prince has already had to give up his military title and the salutation “Royal Highness” no longer applies to him. There are now even calls for him to relinquish his title of Duke of York.

In the 1980s, Prince Andrew was considered a desirable bachelor. His family forgave him some mishaps and pranks. And the public had long succumbed to his charm. In 1986, the Prince married Sarah “Fergie” Ferguson. What followed were marital dramas, affairs and more snapshots of parties, often with young women. The scandals surrounding the Queen’s actual favorite son culminated in the abuse case of Andrew’s good friend, sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

It seems: Prince Andrew can’t be that charming to win back the favor of the public.

+++ Also read:

A fateful night at the “Tramp”: What witnesses say about Prince Andrew and Virginia Roberts

“He always shamelessly exploited Mom”: Why Prince Andrew’s relationship with the Queen is so special

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