Prince Andrew could easily have avoided the process

Sexual abuse charges
She just wanted an apology: Prince Andrew could have avoided the trial that easily

Prince Andrew, Virginia Roberts Giuffre and Ghislaine Maxwell: This photo is said to have been taken on the evening of March 10, 2001.

© Picture Alliance

Presumably, Prince Andrew will have to answer in court for the sexual abuse of a minor. The Queen’s son could easily have saved himself the whole process.

A decision has not yet been made, but Prince Andrew is likely to appear before a New York court on charges of sexual abuse of a minor. After the confidante of the sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, was found guilty on five of six counts by a jury, a trial against the second eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II has become much more likely.

Regardless of the outcome, it will be extremely embarrassing for the Royal and could cause serious damage to the British royal family. All of this could easily have been avoided. As the American tabloid “New York Post” writes, citing sources close to the prosecutor, Prince Andrew should have simply apologized to Virginia Roberts Giuffre.

The newspaper reports in its online edition. “Virginia wanted the whole time for the prince to admit to having done something he shouldn’t have done,” the New York Post quoted the source as saying. “She wanted him to apologize. It was never about money.”

Prince Andrew was an acquaintance of Jeffrey Epstein

Virginia Giuffre, who now lives in Australia, accuses Prince Andrew of sexually abusing her around 20 years ago. At the time she was only 17 years old – and thus a minor. It is said to have been passed on by the late Jeffrey Epstein to his influential friends, including Prince Andrew.

In the absence of an apology from the Prince, Giuffre filed a civil lawsuit against the Duke of York last August for compensation. For the younger brother of Prince Charles, the heir to the throne, the loss of face is likely to be worse than the possible fines.

Andrew could have spared himself all that – with an honest apology.

Source used: “Daily Mail”, “New York Post”


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