Prince Albert II of Monaco: Princess Charlène is said to be “much better”.

Prince Albert II of Monaco
Princess Charlène is said to be “much better”.

Prince Albert hopes that Princess Charlène will soon return to her family in Monaco.

Prince Albert hopes that Princess Charlène will soon return to her family in Monaco.

© Frederic Legrand – COMEO /

Prince Albert has commented on his wife’s health. “Princess Charlene is doing much better,” he says, hoping for her return.

Prince Albert II of Monaco (63) has given an update on his wife’s recovery process. “Princess Charlene is doing much better and I hope she will be back in the Principality soon,” he said on Thursday the Monegasque daily newspaper “Monaco-Matin” about the 44 year old.

After a stint at the Beijing Winter Olympics as head of state and a member of the International Olympic Committee, the prince is currently on vacation with their two children, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella (7).

In the clinic since the end of 2021

Princess Charlène has been in treatment since mid-November last year. The prince confirmed that at the time the international pressafter it became known that his wife was in a clinic far away from the principality.

We made this decision together. She suffers from exhaustion, both emotionally and physically, the prince said. “She was overwhelmed and could not face official duties, life in general, let alone family life,” he continued. Recovery would require at least several weeks of clinical care. After returning from South Africa, the first few hours went well, but then it became obvious that she wasn’t feeling well.

The Princess only returned to Monaco at the beginning of November after a stay of several months in South Africa. Actually, only a few days lasting visit to her native country was planned. After a serious ear, nose and throat infection, however, the doctors prohibited her from flying, which is why she had to recover on site and was unable to return to her family.


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