Primoz Roglic dislocated his shoulder then put it back in place himself

When you are told that cyclists are seriously ill… New demonstration on Wednesday, in the heart of the crazy 5th stage of the Tour de France on the cobblestones of the North. Unlucky, Primoz Roglic fell heavily about thirty kilometers from the finish, stumbling over a bale of straw at the exit of a roundabout. “I couldn’t see well, but I think a motorbike hit the protection. She found herself in the middle of the road, and then there was a fall, ”describes the Slovenian.

But the story does not end there. The co-leader of the Jumbo-Visma realized on getting up that he had dislocated his shoulder. He then decided to put it back in place himself… He says: “I couldn’t put it back on the road right away, so I had to sit on a spectator’s chair for a while. It’s very painful, but I know what to do in these cases. I have a technique. ” OK.

This is how he was then able to resume the race and try to limit the breakage, while in front of him, his teammates were driving hard to bring back the other leader of the Dutch formation, Jonas Vingegaard, after a hell of a mishmash of bikes. “I consider myself happy to have been able to leave, judge Rogla. I gave everything in pursuit. I can’t blame anyone, neither the team nor myself. It’s like that. I hope I will recover quickly. Because there won’t be much time to rest. This Thursday, the end of the stage to Longwy promises to be lively, before a formidable finish at the top of the Super Planche des Belles Filles on Friday.

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