Pride month: being a teenager and non-binary

Olivia is non-binary. Depending on the person, being non-binary can mean being neither male nor female, or being both at the same time! Olivia’s mother stresses the need to support her child: a study conducted by the University of Ottawa indicates that half of transgender and non-binary young people are suicidal. Harassment, rejection or even expulsion by their families, difficulties in accessing treatment or sex reassignment operations… Non-compliance with gender norms is still a taboo in Western societies. However, many cultures around the world recognize a “third gender”, neither male nor female, as far back as ancient Mesopotamia.

The documentary “Not a boy, not a girl” paints the portrait of four young non-binary people and their journeys: from understanding their gender identity to the reactions of families and loved ones, through psychological and sometimes even medical follow-up .

A documentary to discover with Spicee, partner of 20 Minutes.

This month of June, to celebrate Pride Month, Spicee is honoring documentaries on LGBT+ themes.

Another view of the world

Two weekends a month, 20 Minutes and Spicee offer you another look at the world with two-minute videos: the militia that rules Venezuela, Leyla Hussein’s fight against excision, Xinjiang, the Chinese region which imprisons Muslims, the hell of Bolivian prisons… To be found on our website and our Facebook page.

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