Preview: TV tips on Wednesday |

TV tips on Wednesday

“Parents with obstacles”: Philipp (Hary Prinz), Katrin (Nicolette Krebitz) and Baby Isalie.

© MDR/Ariane Krampe Film Production/Steffen Junghans

8:15 p.m., The First, Parents with Disabilities, comedy

Katrin Wiedemann (Nicolette Krebitz) has almost made it: She is about to become a school principal. All she has to do is give birth to her third child, and then things can start immediately after maternity leave. Katrin has no doubt that, as an experienced mother, she can balance child and career. Mainly because her husband Philipp (Hary Prinz) has promised to take over the entire parental leave. Unfortunately, the school administration has a different opinion and, after the turbulent birth of little Isalie, asks Philipp of all people to take over the director’s post for the time being.

8:15 p.m., RTL, Mario Barth reveals! Outrage comedy

Every second, public money in Germany is thrown out the window with full hands. There are no limits to the madness of the authorities. But a team of prominent sleuths led by Mario Barth won’t stop resisting the squandering of taxpayers’ money.

8:15 p.m., kabel eins, 16 blocks, cop thriller

Disaffected New York cop Jack Mosley (Bruce Willis) just wants to go home and have a drink. At 8:02 a.m., however, he receives an apparently simple assignment: petty criminal Eddie Bunker (Mos Def) is to testify before a committee of inquiry into corrupt police officers at 10:00 a.m. and must be taken from his cell to the courthouse, which is 16 blocks away. The matter would be settled in 15 minutes, but suddenly everything went wrong. A life-threatening trip begins for Mosley and Bunker.

8:15 p.m., arte, equinox, drama

Alexander (Thomas Niehaus) is a bachelor without many commitments. One evening he watches out of the window a young woman dancing in the neighboring house: Paula (Aenne Schwarz), who is performing in the variety theatre. After the screening, the two get to know each other and spend the night together. While Alexander thinks he has fallen in love, Paula is dismissive the next morning and sends him out of her apartment. Soon after, Paula dies in a car accident. Alexander is deeply shaken and visits her grave. There he meets Paula’s sister Marlene (Sarah Hostettler). Alexander’s dreams of Paula have long since become an obsession.

9:45 p.m., The First, Money Maker: Emre – Fast money by train, documentary series

Every episode of “Money Maker” focuses on the story of a person who wants to make quick money with clever, sometimes illegal deals. Some have come into money or wealth, but some have also failed. The first episode is about Emre – a nice, charismatic guy who wants to please and succeed. In search of quick money, he pushes it too far. So much so that he ended up in jail for years.


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