Preventing Colds: What Really Helps the Immune System

In addition to Corona, there are also normal colds. These increase in winter. What can you do to strengthen your immune system?

Dortmund – In addition to the corona pandemic, which has been preoccupying us for two years, there are also other diseases. Colds, for example. But what helps? In general, a resilient immune system is always good.

themeCold time and immune system
What helps?Exercise, stress relief, good nutrition
What doesn’t help?Consumption of cigarettes, alcohol and sugar

Strengthen the immune system in winter and avoid colds – what you can do yourself

But what can you do to avoid catching a cold in winter? Does that just have something to do with luck, or can we boost our immune system on our own? The good news: yes, we are capable of this and there are several levers that we can operate ourselves (more News from the Service department at RUHR24).

Eating a healthy diet helps. As the Editorial network Germany (RND), which refers to the German Institute for Nutritional Research Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DlfE), writes that there is a recommendation for fruit, vegetables, fermented foods such as yogurt, nuts, seeds, whole grains and healthy fats such as olive oil.

That doesn’t mean that you can’t indulge yourself anymore. However, excessive sugar intake could reduce the cells’ ability to destroy pathogens. At the same time, sugar promotes chronic inflammation. So if you mainly rely on the above-mentioned nutritional components, you are already doing well.

Avoid colds and strengthen the immune system – diet, exercise, little stress, alcohol and cigarettes

Vitamins are important and can be easily taken in through diet in industrialized countries. However, additional preparations are also superfluous in the cold season. Alcohol and cigarettes, on the other hand, are harmful. It’s not a secret. A high consumption of luxury foods weakens the immune system – possibly even lastingly.

A healthy immune system not only includes a functioning body, but also a balanced mind. Those who are under a lot of stress are more susceptible to illness. Unfortunately, the list of stress triggers is immensely long: overwork, conflicts at work or at home, commuting, little sleep. Stress releases cortisol. And this substance inhibits the body’s defenses.

Strengthen the immune system and avoid colds – washing hands is also important outside of Corona

Sport is a panacea. In winter it provides both stress relief and, on a large scale, an improving immune system, as if from one Study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine emerges. It doesn’t matter what kind of sport you do.

However, when it comes to sport, everything has to stay within limits. If you have good New Year’s resolutions and have previously done little or no sport, you shouldn’t run a marathon in January or press 100 kilograms on the weight bench. For most, 120 to 150 minutes of easy exercise per week or just running out of steps is enough.

By the way: washing your hands not only helps against the coronavirus, but also against all other viruses that cause common colds.

List of rubric lists: © Zacharie Scheurer / dpa

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