Pressure on the environmentalist candidate in Paca … Follow the negotiations at the end of the first round

7:15 am: Why environmentalists are the center of attention

On the pile side: in Ile-de-France, Julien Bayou’s list (12.9%) came before that of the other two left-wing lists, namely the PS (11%) and France Insoumise (10.2%) . The ecologist therefore believes that the other candidates must rally to him to beat Valérie Pécresse, who came first with 35.9% of the vote.

Front side: in Paca, the ecologist Jean-Laurent Felizia who leads the union list of the left came far behind the RN and the right. But he decides for the moment to stay in the second round, which provokes the anger of the national leaders of the PS and EELV who call to block the RN.

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