Press review: Helmets for Ukraine – “Just embarrassing”

Ukraine crisis
5000 helmets from Germany for Ukraine: “This fig leaf is just embarrassing”

A “drop in the bucket” and an “absolute joke” for Ukraine: Germany wants to deliver 5,000 helmets to the country

© Friso Gentsch / DPA

Germany wants to send 5,000 helmets to Ukraine. The defense minister speaks of a clear signal. The Ukrainian side says: “symbolic politics”. This is how the press commented on the delivery.

Germany will deliver 5,000 military helmets to Ukraine, which fears further military aggression from Russia. This is a “very clear signal: we stand by your side,” said Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD), who made the step public on Wednesday after a meeting of the Defense Committee. But that’s not enough for Ukraine. The ambassador in Berlin, Andriy Melnyk, spoke of a “drop in the ocean”. Kiev’s Mayor Vitali Klitschko was even clearer. “5000 helmets are an absolute joke,” he told the “Bild”. “What does Germany want to send next in support? Pillows?”

Ukraine has requested large-scale arms shipments to defend against a possible Russian attack. Melnyk had spoken of warships and air defense systems. He had also asked for 100,000 protective helmets and vests for volunteers.

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According to the Defense Ministry, Ukraine sent a letter on January 19 asking for equipment assistance, citing helmets and protective vests as needed. However, no specific quantities were requested.

This is how the German press commented on the helmet delivery.

“People’s Voice” (Magdeburg): “Ukraine is in great danger – the Russian enemy is at the gates with a mighty military force. Kiev is demanding military aid from the West in order to be able to withstand a storm. There is nothing from Germany – at least that is the current position of the federal government. For that “There are good reasons: the last narrow bridges to Russia would break. In addition, after the inferno of World War II, it is forbidden for German cannons to fire on Russian tanks in Ukraine, even if that was 80 years ago. But the traffic light government is uneasy here: Instead of using assault rifles, she is now helping with 5,000 steel helmets. There are 100,000 Russian soldiers about to jump and Germany is sending a container full of helmets? Either military aid or not – this fig leaf is just embarrassing.”

“Focus Online”: “What a piece of madhouse! While other western countries are supporting the beleaguered Ukraine with arms deliveries, the traffic light coalition is clinging to the wording of the coalition agreement, according to which Germany does not send any weapons to crisis areas After visiting the Ukrainian-Russian border in the summer, Robert Habeck spoke out in favor of the delivery of German defensive weapons, but he was quickly called to reason by the left wing of the Öko party, adding that he wouldn’t stand a chance with the SPD left either. “

“Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”: “But how do you free yourself from the accusation that German solidarity with the Ukraine is limited to explaining it? The federal government has now found a solution that is compatible with your conscience: the delivery of 5,000 helmets a “very clear signal” that Germany is on the side of Ukraine, said the defense minister. Only the dispatch of the Gorch Fock to the Black Sea would have had an even stronger signal effect.”

“”: “They don’t have much to laugh about in Ukraine right now – wherever they look, people are staring into Putin’s gun barrels. But help is coming from Germany: after a long struggle with itself, the traffic light government has decided to end its arms boycott and send 5,000 helmets to Kiev in a spirited rescue operation. SPD Defense Minister Lambrecht calls it “a clear signal” that Germany is on the side of the beleaguered Ukrainians. Is that real satire? The federal government’s new hybrid warfare? Is Olaf Scholz hoping that Putin laughs himself to death? Could work!”

“Stuttgart Newspaper”: “The winter break is over this Friday. The ‘heute-show’ will then tease politics again, and it is currently delivering more material than can be accommodated in half an hour of broadcasting time. Federal Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht is the first candidate for this the golden post. 100,000 Russian soldiers are on the border with Ukraine, Germany is sending 5,000 helmets to Kiev. This is truly a very special contribution to help friends. (…)

Internationally, observers of German foreign policy have stopped laughing. There are good arguments for arms shipments to the region, and even better ones against it. To try to get out of trouble with such an alibi action, that’s more than embarrassing.”


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