Presidents and their doubles, what is this fake?

Joe Biden is actually a Hollywood actor with a mask? And Vladimir Putin would send look-alikes in his place when he travels? These are the theories that we can read lately on social networks. For several months now, a theory has been circulating on social networks: that of Joe Biden’s mask!

And on April 13, it went viral because of a tweet, seen nearly 11 million times. It’s a video in which we can see the American president scratching his neck, but the wrinkles that form do not unfold! For the Internet user who shares this video, there is no doubt that the person we see scratching is not Joe Biden, but an actor who wears a silicone mask.

The president would either be too old to govern or imprisoned in Guantanamo, and other people would rule the United States in secret. Therefore, the person we see during public appearances would be one or more actors who take turns with a mask in the image of the president.

With Oh My Fake, we explain all this to you in the video placed at the top of this article..

Be strong against fake news

Oh My Fake on Snapchat Discoverthis is the program of 20 minutes which makes you strong against fake news, and more broadly invites you to understand the springs and psychological biases that encourage sharing and virality. Beyond knowing if “It’s true or it’s false”, the important thing is rather to understand “Why did we believe it? », by analyzing the mechanisms that make rumours, often fake, attractive to the point that even seasoned minds – like yours! – can succumb to it.

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