Presidential election in Libya: General Haftar wants to run

Status: 11/16/2021 12:26 p.m.

The Libyan general Haftar, leader of one of the two largest militia groups, has announced his candidacy for the presidential election in December. Another candidate for the presidency is the son of the ousted ruler Gaddafi.

Just six weeks before the planned presidential election in Libya, a country with a civil war, the powerful General Khalifa Haftar announced his candidacy. He did not want to gain power or status, but rather lead the Libyan people “in a decisive phase to fame, progress and prosperity,” he said in a speech broadcast by the television broadcaster Libija al-Hadath, which is close to him. The election is “the only way to lead Libya out of chaos”. It is scheduled for December 24th.

Russia supports Haftar

Haftar has long been said to have ambitions for the presidency. With the temporary relinquishment of the army leadership at the end of September, he also created the conditions for a candidacy. By then, Haftar had led the self-proclaimed Libyan National Army (LNA) in the east of the country. In the civil war he fought against the internationally recognized government of the then Prime Minister Fajis al-Sarradsch, based in the west. Haftar is supported, among other things, by the Russian government.

Uncertain election date

Due to the ongoing clashes between the political camps, it is currently still unclear whether the elections will actually take place as planned. One point of contention is the timing of the general election, which should actually be held on the same day as the presidential election.

Libya was engulfed in civil war after the overthrow of long-term ruler Muammar al-Gaddafi in 2011. This spring a transitional government was formed under UN mediation to lead the country to elections.

Gaddafi’s son recently announced his candidacy for the office of president. Saif al-Islam supported the brutal crackdown on protests against his father in Libya. The International Criminal Court demands his extradition. Libya’s election commission claims to have received five presidential applications so far – Haftars is not among them. Registration closes on November 22nd.

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