Presidential 2022: Sandrine Rousseau excluded from Yannick Jadot’s campaign

Sandrine Rousseau was expelled from Yannick Jadot’s campaign team on Thursday after making very critical remarks about her political strategy for the presidential election.

After losing the environmental primary, Sandrine Rousseau, yet more radical than Yannick Jadot, had joined his ranks and his campaign team for the presidential election. The disagreements between the two members of the Europe Écologie-Les Verts party have not disappeared.

The management of Yannick Jadot’s campaign made the decision to dismiss Sandrine Rousseau for comments she allegedly made about him, according to an article in the Parisian. “Our great political strategists are just rubbish! I’m going crazy ! They plant themselves on everything… It’s a mess”, she would have declared in particular.

According to the daily, she would also have criticized the sometimes too “macronist” positions of Yannick Jadot, and his closeness to the head of state on certain themes, in particular on the war in Ukraine. Sandrine Rousseau, however, firmly denied having made these remarks, according to AFP.

Yannick Jadot’s campaign manager, Mounir Satouri, however, said in a statement on Thursday that this article: “illustrates his choices to make personal expression prevail over the collective. We take note of his decision. Sandrine Rousseau therefore no longer assumes responsibilities within the environmental campaign.

“She no longer chairs the political council, she is no longer the candidate’s special adviser,” he told AFP, listing the key positions she held.

Will this incident further tarnish the campaign of the environmentalist, who is struggling to take off? The leader of EELV is currently credited with 6% of voting intentions, according to the latest barometer OpinionWay for CNEWSand therefore remains in sixth position, behind Emmanuel Macron, Marine Le Pen, Valérie Pécresse, Éric Zemmour and Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

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