Prantl’s view: Baerbock egg dance school – politics


Heribert Prantl, Berlin

Not so long ago, the Greens accused the black-red government under Chancellor Angela Merkel of “cowardice” in the Assange case. The word now falls back on her. On September 14, 2021, shortly before the federal elections, the then Green top candidate Annalena Baerbock spoke out vehemently for the release of the whistleblower and investigative journalist. Now she is Secretary of State; now there is silence in the green forest. Upon taking office, Baerbock announced a clearly audible and value-based foreign policy; but so far nothing has been heard of this in the Assange case. The German section of the writers’ association PEN has therefore just published an open letter to Baerbock and asked her to put her words into action.

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