Power struggle in Russia: Prigozhin uprising: Putin speaks of “treason”

Power struggle in Russia
Prigozhin uprising: Putin speaks of “treason”

Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses the nation. photo

© Uncredited/Russian Presidential Press Service/AP/dpa

In Russia, the conflict between the Wagner mercenary group and the regular army escalates. Now President Putin intervenes – with drastic words.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken of “treason” in the face of the armed uprising by the head of the Wagner mercenary army, Yevgeny Prigozhin. Contrary to what was reported by the Russian state media, Putin did not expressly speak of “neutralization”, but instead instructed the armed forces in general to punish the masterminds.

Putin called on the Wagner fighters to immediately end their participation in criminal activities. Prigozhin was previously considered a confidant of the president.

At the same time, Putin confirmed the blockade of important objects in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don by the mercenary force. “In fact, the work of civil and military leadership bodies is blocked,” Putin said in an address to the Russian people broadcast on state television. Regarding the situation in the Rostov region bordering Ukraine, he said: “It remains difficult.” Russia has been waging a war of aggression against neighboring Ukraine for 16 months. The Wagner mercenaries have so far been among the most important troops.

Open confrontation with military leadership in Moscow

After months of teasing and then also public criticism, Wagner boss Prigozhin now openly opposed the military leadership in Moscow. Prigozhin said his fighters took control of important military objects in Rostov, including an airfield. According to British intelligence, Wagner units are moving north through the Voronezh region. The destination is probably the capital Moscow, according to a statement in London. The anti-terror emergency was declared there on Saturday. During the night, military vehicles were on the move in the city center.

The Ministry of Defense also called on the mercenaries to surrender. They were drawn into a “criminal adventure” by Prigozhin. “Many of your comrades from multiple units have already realized their mistake by asking for help so they can safely return to their locations,” it said. “Please be reasonable and contact representatives of the Russian Defense Ministry or law enforcement agencies as soon as possible. We guarantee everyone’s safety.”

The authorities in Moscow are now investigating Prigozhin for calling for an armed uprising. The domestic secret service FSB called on the Wagner mercenaries to arrest their boss. The mercenary leader accuses the Defense Ministry of poor leadership in Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and has repeatedly sharply criticized Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu in particular.


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