Potato salad with sausages: Recipe for a quick oriental variant

Tradition rethought
At Christmas there are sausages with potato salad – this fixed variant provides oriental variety

Potato salad at Christmas has a long tradition – this will surprise you

© Giò Martorana

They exist, these dishes, without which nothing works at Christmas. For many, these are the good old sausages with potato salad. With this recipe you can stay true to this tradition and still surprise your guests with an oriental touch.

Christmas is a family celebration, full of traditions and rituals. The tree is decorated together, the nut corner is nibbled and “The Little Lord” is watched. And there is usually little surprise on the plates on Christmas Eve. For many, the simple sausages with potato salad are as much a part of Christmas as the reindeer on Santa Claus’ sleigh. There is nothing to complain about, after all, the dish can be adapted to the preferences of the eater, for example with plant-based sausage alternatives. But even if the sameness always has its charm, it is reliable and therefore homely, a touch of internationality doesn’t hurt. Why not turn the recipe around and conjure up a touch of the Orient in the menu instead of the potato mayonnaise bomb. This recipe by Jacob Lellouche from Tunis does not require many ingredients and is made in no time – on busy holidays that can only be a plus!

Potato salad with cumin and harissa

Batata bil kamoun

With the fiery magic paste you can spice up even the most banal vegetables, such as potatoes. You might like the Spanish “patatas bravas” served as tapas. Its Tunisian sister is just as easy to prepare … and can remain on the table as a cheerful side dish to the main course. With a pinch of harissa and cumin, i.e. cumin, you give the potatoes an exotic touch that makes your guests reach for their water glass in delight.


For 4 people
Approx. 30 minutes preparation time, plus cooling time

For the potato salad

500 g waxy potatoes
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp harissa
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice

For serving

1 red chili pepper

covers of "Terra Mediterranea"

This recipe is from “Terra Mediterranea” by bestselling author Daniel Speck. He went on a journey to track down Mediterranean cuisine. in the star-Interview he tells about the stories behind the dishes and a dialogue of cultures. “Terra Mediterranean” was published by Fischer Verlag, 272 pages, 29.90 euros.

This is how the potato salad from Tunis is prepared

1. Wash the potatoes and cook in their skins in plenty of salted water until a knife can easily penetrate the potatoes. Drain, peel and cool the potatoes.

2. Whisk together the olive oil, harissa, cumin, and lemon juice to form a marinade.

3. Dice the cooled potatoes and mix with the marinade.

serving: Arrange the potato salad in a bowl and garnish with the chili pepper.

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