Possible interim solution in the US Congress: McHenry should overcome the blockade

As of: October 19, 2023 7:38 p.m

The blockade in the US House of Representatives should be overcome with an interim solution. The Republican Jordan wants to forego a third vote as speaker – the powers of the provisional chairman McHenry are to be expanded.

According to media reports, the blockade in the US House of Representatives, which has been ongoing for more than two weeks, will initially be overcome with the help of interim chairman Patrick McHenry. Republican Jim Jordan will forego a planned third vote for the presidency of the Chamber of Congress, reported the Washington Post and the New York Times. Instead, he would support the proposal to expand the powers of interim Chairman McHenry. Jordan declined to comment as he arrived at a closed-door meeting of his fellow party members.

Jordan is controversial within his own ranks

However, it was initially completely unclear whether such an interim solution would actually come about. The news channel CNN and the Washington Post reported that supporters of the right-wing hardliner Jordan were against such action. They therefore want the ally of former President Donald Trump not to pause his candidacy, but to continue to strive for an immediate election.

Moderate Republicans, on the other hand, want Jordan to withdraw his candidacy entirely. The MP, known for his sharply right-wing positions and his aggressive political style, is also highly controversial within his own ranks.

Jordan clearly missed the necessary majority in two plenary votes on Tuesday and Wednesday. He lost his party’s support between the two rounds.

Internal power struggle – blockade of Congress

The Republicans only hold a comparatively small majority in the Chamber of Congress and are therefore dependent on the votes of a group of ultra-conservative representatives. They overthrew the previous Speaker of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, on October 3rd. Since then, the path to agreement on a candidate has not been apparent.

The internal power struggle means that Congress cannot approve any new funds for the Ukraine war or the Gaza conflict. Democratic President Joe Biden is expected to ask Congress later this week for billions more in aid for Israel and Ukraine.

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