Positive tests: Swedish crown princess and husband contracted corona

Positive tests
Swedish Crown Princess and husband fell ill with Corona

Victoria of Sweden and her husband Prince Daniel in an appearance in December. Photo: Anders Wiklund / TT NEWS AGENCY / AP / dpa

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After the royal couple, Sweden’s Crown Princess Victoria is also corona-positive. She has mild symptoms.

Sweden’s Crown Princess Victoria has Covid-19. As the Swedish royal family announced on Saturday, a corona test in the 44-year-old was positive. Victoria is reportedly fully vaccinated. She has cold symptoms, otherwise she is fine, the message said.

The Crown Princess follows the recommendations of the health authorities and isolates herself at home with her family.

Prince Daniel has now also tested positive for the corona virus. The 48-year-old has only very mild symptoms and is doing well, the palace announced on Sunday. He is fully vaccinated.

The couple had Covid-19 in the spring of last year. At that time, too, the disease proceeded without severe symptoms. The entire family was in isolation at Haga Castle in accordance with the corona rules, the message said.

It was only on Tuesday that the palace in Stockholm announced that King Carl Gustaf (75) and Queen Silvia (78) had tested positive for the corona virus. Both have already been vaccinated three times. They too only had mild courses.


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