Portrait of actress Nicole Heesters: In February she will be 85 – culture

Things are going well at Nicole Heesters. She shoots, wins prizes, plays Angela Merkel at the Stuttgart theater and now also a gay mother at the Munich Residenztheater. She will soon be 85. Hard to believe.

In the past few days, Nicole Heesters was briefly back in her apartment in Hamburg-Eppendorf. There she cleared the stacks of mail that had been piling up on the family’s old wooden table from the Rhön for weeks, and paid overdue bills. Which is what happens when you’ve been on the road for two months. But then she had to catch the train again: This Friday and Saturday, the 84-year-old actress is at the Staatstheater Stuttgart as Angela Merkel in Andres Veiel’s and Jutta Doberstein’s global political indictment “ecocide” on stage. And on Sunday it has its premiere at the Munich Residenztheater: in the relationship and social drama “The Legacy / The Inheritance”, written by the American author Matthew Lopez, who received praise and honor for it, she takes part in the role of Margaret. It is a gay saga loosely adapted from the novel “Howard’s End” by EM Forster, set in New York between 2015 and 2018.

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