Port dockworkers tried for drug trafficking

Eleven people, including dockers, will be tried from Monday in Lille for their participation in a vast network of drug trafficking at the port of Le Havre, the dismantling of which had made it possible to seize large quantities of cocaine and cannabis.

This trial must be held until Friday before the Criminal Court of the Specialized Interregional Jurisdiction (JIRS, in charge of organized crime) in Lille. For the same case, six other people, considered to be the organizers of the traffic, will be tried on a date not yet fixed before the North Assize Court.

Between 2,500 and 4,000 euros per kilo of cocaine leaving the port

Among the 11 people tried from Monday are five dockers. All are referred to court, among other things, for participation in a group preparing to import narcotics into an organized gang. The investigation began in 2017, when a source indicated to the judicial police of Le Havre that people regularly ensure the exit from the port area of ​​narcotics from Latin America.

Some intermediaries could be remunerated “up to 75,000 euros for only” authorizing “outings” of narcotics, while the organizers received between 2,500 and 4,000 euros per kilo of cocaine leaving the port, a sum which allowed them to pay their accomplices and corrupt operators, according to the survey.

Dock worker killed in June 2020

More than 1.3 tonnes of cocaine and 445 kg of cannabis resin had been seized as part of this investigation, in containers or on ships from Brazil or the Dominican Republic but also in Martinique.

This file confirms the use of exchanges of cocaine and cannabis resin between the West Indies, where cocaine is very available and is of little value, and the metropolis, where the same observation can be made for cannabis, according to the survey. A third trial should be held later for the kidnapping and murder of a dock worker from Le Havre in June 2020.

This 40-year-old docker was himself indicted in 2018 for criminal conspiracy “in connection with drug trafficking rampant in the port area” and left free under judicial control.

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