Pollution alert in Ariège and the Hautes-Pyrénées, sand particles are back

They are back and will certainly cover the still snowy slopes of the Pyrenees again. In progress since Monday, the episode of pollution with desert particles from the Sahara “should continue until the arrival of rain at the end of the day in the departments of Ariège, Hautes-Pyrénées and Pyrénées Orientales. “, indicates Atmo Occitanie.

The Regional Air Quality Observatory had placed these three departments in “orange” on Monday, issued a “red” alert procedure for this Tuesday. The threshold for suspended particles (PM10) should be exceeded on March 29, the index being bad, just as it could deteriorate on the rest of the reason due to ozone concentrations.

The authorities recommend to people suffering from fragilities not to move and to avoid physical exercises.

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