Polling stations are open in France…

In New Caledonia, the vote is taking place under high security, three and a half weeks after the start of the riots which shook the South Pacific archipelago. “92% of polling stations” were able to open at 7 a.m. local time (10 p.m. Saturday in Paris), according to the High Commission of the Republic.

At noon local time, the participation rate was up very slightly compared to the 2019 vote (8.81% compared to 8.13%).

If you are completely lost, we have given you a little recap to explain what the role of an MEP is.

After certain overseas territories from Saturday, such as Polynesia, polling stations opened at 8 a.m. in mainland France. More than 49 million French people are called to the polls to nominate 81 French deputies to the European Parliament, which has a total of 720 members elected for a five-year mandate

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