Politics: Iran: prisoner exchange with the USA today

Iran: prisoner exchange with the USA today

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The USA and Iran exchange prisoners. After Iranian assets frozen in the USA were released, the matter is now moving.

According to information from Tehran, the prisoner exchange between the USA and Iran, which has been planned for months, is scheduled to take place today. That said Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani in front of journalists. With the release of frozen Iranian assets from South Korea, the way is clear for the deal.

Five Americans should therefore return to the USA. In return, the US pardoned five Iranians who had been convicted or charged there. It was initially not known whether the prisoners were already on their way.

Prepared for months

The exchange has been prepared for months. At the beginning of August, Iran placed the now released Americans under house arrest in a hotel in the capital Tehran.

Iran repeatedly detains foreigners on charges of espionage or other national security violations. Human rights activists criticize the proceedings, which are often held behind closed doors, as unfair. The Islamic Republic is also accused of holding foreigners hostage. Several Germans are also imprisoned in Iran.

Historically bad relationships

Relations between Iran and the US are historically bad. Both countries were repeatedly on the brink of war. In January 2020, the US killed the powerful Iranian general Ghassem Soleimani in a drone strike in neighboring Iraq. Weeks of military tension followed. The storming of the US embassy by students and the subsequent hostage-taking on November 4, 1979 had irrevocably worsened relations between the two countries.


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