Political talk shows on the ARD: massive criticism from the supervisory media

As last Monday evening Hard but fair as the first of the political talk shows of the public broadcaster to return from the summer break, some observers from the ARD are likely to have watched very closely. Which topic did the editors around Louis Klamroth choose for this first August show (it was then: “New Hardship: Is the turning point in asylum policy coming?”), which guests did they invite (Thorsten Frei from the CDU, Lars Castellucci from the SPD, Wiebke Judith from Pro Asyl, the professor for sociology and migration research Ruud Koopmans, and the social worker and author Cansın Köktürk) – and how is that received? 680,000 watched, on Twitter there were a few angry comments about Louis Klamroth’s harsh treatment of a young CDU politician.

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