Political Gillamoos: The ÖDP attacks Aiwanger – Bavaria

The ÖDP is known for its colourful, loud posters. The slogan “Alternative ohne Rechts” is emblazoned on one of them, which is hanging in many places throughout Bavaria these days. Originally, the poster was probably meant primarily against the AfD, but now it can also be understood as a declaration of war by the small party against the Free Voter leader Hubert Aiwanger. This can be seen at the political Gillamoos on Monday, to which the ÖDP also called members and supporters to Abensberg, to an inn a little away from the large beer tents on the fairgrounds, where the other parties hold their energetic meetings.

ÖDP leader Agnes Becker, who is also her party’s top candidate in the state parliament, quickly makes it clear that she has a huge problem with Aiwanger, and not only because of the affair surrounding the right-wing extremist, anti-Semitic hate leaflet. But at least as big with the politics of the now 52-year-old Vice Prime Minister, Economics Minister and party leader Aiwanger. “Because he speaks disparagingly about our democracy, rushes about political opponents in fecal language and denies facts Trump-style,” she calls out to her listeners. In addition, from her point of view, Aiwanger is “dangerous because he wants to promote the poisoning of the soil, drinking water and the further dramatic crisis of biodiversity”.

Becker is referring to a statement by Aiwanger at a beer tent appearance a year ago that he would prevent the reduction in the use of pesticides in agriculture. For Becker, as for many experts, agrochemistry is the main reason for the dramatic extinction of species in Bavaria. And the extinction of species and the fight against it are the central topic of the ÖDP, in the referendum “Biodiversity – Save the Bees” before 2018, the most successful referendum ever in Bavaria, as well as in the current election campaign. Should the ÖDP make it into the state parliament, Becker promises, it will not only continue its fight for the “preservation of livelihoods”. But also to defend the principles of the Bavarian constitution against “parties that despise them”.

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