Polish Matty Cash “had burning legs” when marking Mbappé

We have often questioned the victims of the genius of Kylian Mbappé, but rarely, if ever, have we had a testimony as instructive as that of Matty Cash, the right-back of Aston Villa naturalized Polish, responsible for sticking to his coattails Sunday in the round of 16 won by the Blues (3-1). Read his words earlier with our British colleagues in mixed zone:

He’s obviously amazing, probably the strongest player I’ve faced. So far I have always said it was Sterling, who is very fast, but Mbappé, he is electric. I spent the afternoon before the game watching videos of him lying in bed. But in reality, my legs were burning. I play in the Premier League every weekend, against top level wingers, but Mbappé will easily become the best in the world. Look at his speed, his movements, his qualities as a finisher, he has everything.

Relaunched on what makes Kyky’s unique talent, Cash lent himself to the game without batting an eyelid:

When he has the ball, stops and then starts again, it’s the fastest thing I’ve ever seen. When he stares at you and starts, he lowers his shoulders, first with short strides then long strides, it’s impressive. I did what I could in our one-on-ones, I think I didn’t do too badly, he never really outpaced me, except when he had space in counterattack. »

Not false, Cash has generally succeeded in his match, even if it was played in nothing once or twice. And he wanted to conclude giving a little hope to the English “If anyone is fast enough to stop him, it’s Kyle Walker.” Little pressure on the shoulders my Kylou, where not at all?

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