Police: The Greens office in Flensburg receives a letter with powder

The Greens office in Flensburg receives a letter with powder

An envelope with white powder arrived at his constituency office in Flensburg: Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck. photo

© Christophe Gateau/dpa

According to the police, the substance could be fine sand. However, it cannot yet be ruled out that biological substances may be included. The investigations are ongoing.

A police station in Flensburg has been evacuated because of an envelope addressed to Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) with an unknown white powder.

A citizen handed in the envelope that had previously arrived at the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen district office on Wednesday at the police station, said a police spokesman. The police called the fire brigade because of the suspicious content. This was followed by a complex operation, which was therefore only completed after almost three hours. According to the preliminary status, no one was injured.

It was initially unclear what kind of powder it was. After an investigation, dangerous chemical and radioactive substances were ruled out, said a police spokeswoman. It is assumed that it is fine sand. However, it is not yet clear whether the powder contains biological substances. The investigation was still ongoing, it said.


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