Police murder in Kusel: the trial of Andreas S. has begun

39-year-old in court
Trial of fatal shots at police officers near Kusel started

The main defendant Andreas S. on Tuesday before the district court of Kaiserslautern

© Uwe Anspach / DPA

It was an act that caused horror across the country. In January, two young police officers were shot dead near Kusel in Rhineland-Palatinate. Now the trial against the suspected shooter begins before the district court of Kaiserslautern.

The trial of the deadly shots at a police officer near Kusel in Rhineland-Palatinate began on Tuesday before the Kaiserslautern district court.

The accused is 39-year-old Andreas S., who is said to have killed his two victims on January 31 during a random night traffic check on a country road to cover up his activities as a poacher. He is charged with two counts of murder and other offenses.

Action at Kusel caused horror

The act sparked nationwide outrage. Originally, a second man was suspected of murder, who had accompanied S. in the car on the night of the crime.

However, the murder charge against 33-year-old Florian V. was dropped. However, like S., the indictment accuses him of joint commercial poaching on the night of the crime.

Scene of the police murders in the district of Kusel

Scene of the police murders in the district of Kusel

© 2022 AFP

He must therefore also answer in court in the process. A total of 14 dates are scheduled until the beginning of September.


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