Police investigate: Even more trouble for Premier Johnson

As of: 01/25/2022 4:32 p.m

Parties at the British seat of government during the lockdown and apparently also a private birthday party are putting pressure on Prime Minister Johnson. Now the police have started an investigation. But Johnson is relaxed.

By Christoph Prössl, ARD Studio London

In a press conference, Scotland Yard chief Cressida Dick announced that the police are now investigating the parties at Government House Downing Street: “The information that we have received from the investigation team is the basis for investigations by the police, which I can now confirm to you. It is about a series of events and potential violations of Corona rules.”

In fact, she said, the police don’t investigate crimes that happened that long ago and were only found to be a misdemeanor. But Dick also pointed out the great attention that the reports of various parties generate and the outrage in society.

Investigation report to be postponed

The investigative report being prepared by government official Sue Gray is now set to be postponed. Observers had expected the results to be available this week and handed over to the government.

It wasn’t Gray’s job to make a judgement, says Catherine Haddon from the think tank Institute for Government: “It was always clear: If she finds evidence that rules could have been broken, then she will pass them on to the police must then decide whether to investigate – which the police have now announced.”

Reports on Johnson’s birthday party

Details of another celebration at Downing Street emerged last night. On the birthday of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, June 19, 2020, 30 people came together at the seat of government and sang for the prime minister. Johnson’s wife Carrie is said to have baked a cake. A spokesman said Johnson was at the meeting, which took place in the afternoon, for a maximum of 10 minutes.

The opposition continues to call for Johnson’s resignation. Labor Deputy Leader Angela Rayner said in the House of Commons: Instead of talking about the important issues like rising cost of living, people are talking about scandals again.

Johnson defended himself. “I welcome the investigation. I think it will give the public the clarity it needs,” said the prime minister. “But I want to make it clear once again that I am 100 percent focused on the issues that are people’s priorities, including Britain’s leadership in defending freedom,” Johnson said, referring to the troop deployment on the Ukrainian border. Great Britain supports Ukraine with arms and has sent soldiers within the framework of NATO.

Partygate: British police are investigating Premier Johnson

Christoph Proessl, ARD London, 25.1.2022 3:41 p.m

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