Police discover cockfighting arena and dead or injured birds

A dusty, well-rounded track, ideal as an arena, and roosters in poor condition locked up in “tiny cages”. This is what the Toulouse police discovered on a plot located behind the Saint-James Traveler camp, in the Ginestous district. The findings were made in two stages. First, a discreet inspection on Tuesday, at the stroke of noon and on the strength of the information transmitted by the Brigitte Bardot Foundation who filed a complaint the same day at the police station for acts of cruelty to animals.

The next day, Wednesday afternoon, the police force was larger and more conspicuous, the questions more pressing.

Plasters to equip them with blades

On site, ten live but injured roosters were exfiltrated with the help of volunteers and specialists from the National Veterinary School of Toulouse (ENVT). According to police sources, some of them had plasters around their legs, a common practice during cockfights allowing birds to be “armed” with razor blades. Two dead roosters, thrown near the arena, were also found.

A 22-year-old man introduced himself to the police as the owner of the animals. He was still in police custody on Thursday pending a referral to a public prosecutor.

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