“Police call 110: None of us”: How is Charly Huebner’s last case?

“Police call 110: None of us”
How is Charly Huebner’s last case going?

Alexander Bukow (Charly Hübner) and Katrin König (Anneke Kim Sarnau) investigate in “Polizeiruf 110: None of us” together for the last time.

© NDR / Christine Schroeder

For the last time Charly Huebner starts his service in “Police Call 110: None of Us”. Is it worth switching on?

A superstar, a well-known enemy and old mistakes: after more than ten years, Charly Hübner (49) says goodbye to Rostock’s “Polizeiruf 110” in a brilliant way. In “None of Us” (January 9th, 8:15 pm, the first) Commissioner Alexander “Sascha” Bukow falls into the clutches of a well-known adversary. Zoran Subocek (Aleksandar Jovanovic, 50) is free again and is making the investigator’s life hell. And this right now, when Bukow has found love happiness with partner Katrin König (Anneke Kim Sarnau, 49). The commissioner fights old demons in his final case and seems to lose to them in the end …

This is what “Polizeiruf 110: None of us” is about

The owner of the MIAU music club, Andrei “Tito” Titolew (Alexandru Cirneala, 32), is murdered during a live concert. The musician Joe Mennecke (Bela B, 59), whom Katrin König and Alexander “Sascha” Bukow and his wife Dora (Sithembile Menck) call to the station, are suspected. The entire team struggles with the singer’s starry airs.

But Bukow has even bigger worries: his old opponent Zoran Subocek is up to mischief again in Rostock. He blackmailed the inspector with information he received from fellow inmate Guido Wachs. In an earlier case, König had put wax behind bars by manipulating evidence. He told Subocek this and even gave him evidence of it. How should Bukow react? Should he become Subocek’s henchman? Bukow falls into old patterns and keeps his problems to himself instead of confiding in his new friend König.

Nevertheless, Bukow and König have to solve a murder and have to bring order to Rostock’s underworld. Since Veit Bukow’s (Klaus Manchen, 85) death, this has become headless – and there are many contenders for the post. In addition to Subocek, the so-called falcon also wants to claim the space that has become free. A brutal fight begins, in which Bukow and König are drawn …

Is it worth switching on?

Absolutely! Because it is the 24th and last case with Charly Hübner. The character Alexander “Sachsa” Bukow receives a worthy finale in “Polizeiruf 110: None of us” after more than ten years of service. The focus is clearly on the commissioner. The character has to cope with an inner conflict – angels and devils wrestle in Bukow. Which side wins in the end remains unclear for a long time. Within a few minutes, Bukow falls back into old patterns and turns into a criminal …

In contrast to Bukow, however, is partner Katrin König. Instead of falling into old patterns, it is breaking new ground. She throws her doubts overboard and lets Bukow into her life – the result is a touching scene that gives hope for a happy ending. After the first few minutes, the audience noticed that the two actors Charly Hübner and Anneke Kim Sarnau gave everything in the grand finale.

The entire cast is well chosen – the protagonists fit together harmoniously to form a whole. The two main characters have enough space to develop. And also a “Tatort / Polizeiruf 110” -from celebrity got hold of an engagement: Bela B, member of the German punk rock band Die Ärzte, plays an alcoholic musician who is suspected of murder. While in the last Charlotte Lindholm case “Tatort: ​​Everything comes back” (December 2021) musician Udo Lindenberg (75) seemed to be artificially inserted, the star performance in “Polizeiruf 110” is much better. Because Bela B doesn’t play himself, but proves his acting talent once again.

The story also goes back to the beginning – which fans can tell from the title. The first film with Bukow and König was called “One of Us” (2010). But not only that: In the latter case, some storylines are picked up again and spun on. Conflicts that have accumulated over the years are brought together in the film. Which is why a certain amount of prior knowledge is necessary in order to understand all the interrelationships. Old figures like Subocek, first seen in the case of “Feindbild” (2011), reappear. Bukow is also confronted with its Rostock underworld past. “The film is in principle a homage to the format as it has been so far,” said screenwriter and director Eoin Moore (54) the broadcaster.

Even if Charly Hübner’s departure hurts, fans of the Rostock team don’t have to be sad. In the future, Lina Beckmann (40) will determine as Melly Böwe at Sarnau’s side. Since Beckmann has been married to Huebner since 2012, at least in this way the inspector’s position remains in the family.

The NDR did not want to reveal the specific end of the “Police call 110: None of us” in advance, which is why viewers can expect a big bang. Switching on on Sunday evening is therefore compulsory!


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