Polar explorer: The Arctic is responsible for the drought

“important today”
Polar explorer: The Arctic is responsible for the drought

Researcher Stefanie Arndt: The majority of the ice surface in the Arctic is rapidly decreasing”

The climate crisis is melting the icebergs. This melt is not only dramatic for the climate in the long term, it is already affecting our everyday lives, explains polar researcher Stefanie Arndt.

Polar research is more important than ever, after all, the climate crisis is in full swing and the icebergs are melting. That’s why moderator Michel Abdollahi spoke to Stefanie Arndt in the 341st episode of the “Today important” podcast. She is a marine physicist and polar researcher and has already accompanied a number of expeditions to the Arctic. As a woman, she is in the minority in her field: “It’s clearly male-dominated,” she explains in an interview. And that’s exactly why she wants to act as a role model for young girls and show them polar research and science in general as a possible career.

On a polar expedition: “We don’t really have an everyday life”

When Stefanie Arndt is not doing research in Germany, she is on an expedition in the Arctic. There is less regular everyday life there. “The days are full,” she says, but the meals and the weather are decisive for the actual rhythm of the day. And there is another special feature: “Basically, we live very independently of the rest of the world. No matter what happens at home, it only affects us very moderately,” says Stefanie Arndt. You are isolated, a bit like an astronaut: inside on a space station.

The climate crisis is present: “You can no longer look away”

What affects them all the more is climate change. The climate crisis can be clearly seen on satellite images, because researchers have been observing for some time “that the majority of the ice surface in the Arctic is rapidly decreasing”. When asked when the situation will critically limit our lives, Stefanie Arndt replies clearly: “She already does.” Because the flood disaster in the Ahr Valley and the current drought that we are experiencing in Europe are the effects of what is happening in the Arctic. In order to further research the situation in the Arctic, Stefanie Arndt took part in the MOSAiC expedition with many other polar researchers: “Basically, it was about the fact that we wanted to be frozen for a year in order to keep the Arctic climate system in to describe, sample and explore in its entirety.” It is already clear that there will be at least one year by 2050 in which there will be no more ice in the Arctic in summer.

Michael Abdollahi

© TVNOW / Andreas Friese

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