Poland: Wild boar gets lost in beauty salon in Kraków

Wild boar gets lost in beauty salon in Kraków

A wild boar got lost in Kraków, Poland, causing chaos. Photo: Lino Mirgeler/dpa/Symbolbild

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The beauty salon becomes a pigsty: In Kraków, a fully-grown wild boar got lost and devastated a beauty salon. Staff and customers fled.

An adult wild boar walked into a beauty parlor in the southern Polish city of Kraków (Krakow).

As the news portal TVN24.pl reported on Saturday, citing the police, staff and customers fled the store in fear and slammed the door behind them. The trapped animal then devastated the interior of the beauty salon. Eventually, however, the wild boar was captured by firefighters, animal rescue and a veterinarian and taken to a safe location outside of the city limits.

As a spokesman for the city police then explained, there was a great deal of damage to property in the beauty salon, but neither people nor wild boar were injured. The news portal published an amateur video on which the wild boar can be seen behind the closed shop door and apparently wants to come out, while the entrance from the outside is already surrounded by emergency services.


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