Poker for Germany’s largest authority – economy

It was July. People enjoyed a short summer with less coronavirus worries. The German employers tinkered with a personnel: the chief post of the Federal Employment Agency (BA). They wanted to occupy it before the federal election in September. Otherwise, so the employers feared, there might be a supply case at the top of Germany’s largest authority: a politician who lost his office as a result of the election – and perhaps neither understands the topic nor can the job.

The plan failed. The federal agency, which is important for the lives of millions of citizens, still needs a new boss. Incumbent Detlef Scheele will be retiring next year due to age. And now, after the general election, there is actually a politician under discussion for the post: former SPD leader Andrea Nahles. However, it is far from being a utility case. Nahles has headed the Federal Agency for Post and Telecommunications since 2020. She does not lose her job through the election, nor can it be said that the long-time minister of labor does not understand anything about the subject.

The unions stand up for them

As can be heard, Nahles has influential advocates. This includes Olaf Scholz, which has weight these days. The two are linked by a political friendship and years of close cooperation. Under the then designated new SPD leader Nahles, Scholz became Vice Chancellor and Finance Minister in spring 2018, he acted as acting party leader before Nahles was officially elected. This summer, Scholz said in an interview with SZ that many would be happy if Nahles decided to go back into politics at some point. “I am one of them.” The head of the BA would not be a political office like the management of a ministry, but one with many political facets.

In the pandemic, many companies applied for short-time work. This is also one of the tasks of the Federal Employment Agency.

(Photo: Jens Büttner / dpa)

The unions are also campaigning for the 51-year-old. That means a lot. In addition to political representatives, the trade unions are the second group on the BA’s administrative board. He suggests someone for the top position, the federal government must then approve this proposal. But there could be trouble before the proposal. Because from the third group, the company, criticism of Nahles comes. The poker around the largest German authority with around 100,000 employees is getting more intense.

Short-time work is expensive and labor-intensive for the authority

It is not about any post, but about a central office of the republic. The new boss has to grapple with the economic consequences of the pandemic. So far, the government and BA have prevented mass unemployment with massive subsidies for short-time work. But now, in the fourth wave of corona, more companies are applying for short-time work again. For the authority this is just as expensive as it is labor-intensive.

In addition, there is the greatest economic transformation in a long time, which threatens many jobs: away from the combustion engine and towards e-cars. Away from stores, towards online purchases. Away from classic business models towards digital ones. What will become of all the car manufacturers, sales assistants and clerks in the previous jobs? They have to be further qualified or trained for new professions. The federal agency should play an important role in this. Just like in the fight against the increasing shortage of skilled workers.

Federal agency publishes October statistics

The headquarters of the Federal Employment Agency in Nuremberg. A large and important agency with more than 100,000 employees.

(Photo: Daniel Karmann / dpa)

Who would be suitable to take on this office in these times? “A lot speaks for Andrea Nahles,” says an insider from the federal agency. “As a former minister of labor, she is familiar with the subject. She was in charge of a large apparatus with many employees. And she is a woman.”

The latter has a history. For years it has been criticized that almost no women come to the top at the Federal Agency. In 2017, Valerie Holsboer became the first woman ever to join the three-man board of directors. She had to go to the board of directors two years later after a power struggle with employers – of all things. Because the employers once suggested her for the post. Holsboer’s successor Christiane Schönefeld only served briefly and will soon retire. And a CEO? It never happened before.

More diversity on the board is also a criterion

No wonder, then, that possible successors to Scheele at the top are also considered based on this criterion in addition to professional suitability: that more diversity could be good for the giant business. This speaks against the content-wise well-versed board member Daniel Terzenbach as boss. The person responsible for operational business in the regions is also only 41, and his ascent has time.

Various names have appeared in the rumor mill in recent months, although it remains open who was actually spoken to. Vanessa Ahuja from the Federal Ministry of Labor fits into the profile. Some in the Federal Agency can also imagine the former Siemens HR manager Janina Kugel. And now there is the name Andrea Nahles.

It is unclear who publicly brought him into play. The Federal Association of Employers’ Associations (BDA) assumes, however, that it was politics – and protests: “It is very irritating when politicians try to create preliminary determinations and facts via the media.” The right to propose positions on the BA’s board of directors lies with the administrative board.

Traditionally, the proposals there come from trade unions and employers. Some citizens may wonder why the social partners have so much influence there. You sit on the board of directors as a representative of those who pay the unemployment insurance contributions: employees and companies.

This personality does not suit employers

The National Association of Employers does not publicly comment on the Nahles personnel. Many others in business are less reluctant. The former Juso chairwoman Nahles is politically too left, one functionary railed. In addition, they polarize too much to create a balance between employers, trade unionists and political representatives. And she doesn’t know enough about the Federal Agency and its complicated tasks.

The question now arises as to whether there will really be open opposition from business to Nahles. Because some employers really appreciate the SPD politician. As Minister of Labor, she did not act ideologically at all, but factually oriented. A deal is also possible: Then the employers should fill the second, soon-to-be-vacant position, the successor to Christiane Schönefeld.

In any case, what speaks in favor of Nahles is that she has the right profile for one task: implementing the citizens’ money planned by the traffic light. During her time as party leader, the SPD decided on its concept for citizens’ money in 2019. Some of this can now be found in the coalition agreement.

And the argument that the Federal Agency does not know enough about Nahles? Frank-Jürgen Weise headed the BA from 2004 to 2017. He is considered a great innovator. Weise previously ran a logistics company. Knowledge of the Federal Agency before he started there: zero.

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