Pointing out Bardella’s inexperience, Sarkozy tackles Ciotti for his alliance with the RN

Entering the legislative campaign, Nicolas Sarkozy chose to reserve his first shots for Éric Ciotti and Jordan Bardella. In the JDDthe former president in fact attacks the first’s choice to ally with the National Rally and considers that the second lacks the experience to be Prime Minister.

Éric Ciotti, whose exclusion from the presidency of the Republicans was invalidated by the courts, “should have submitted to the governing bodies of his party his conviction of the necessity of an alliance with the RN and proposed to the members to decide by vote electronic within a short period of time,” estimates Nicolas Sarkozy. “The question would then have been resolved calmly and incontestably. There would not have been a denial of democracy,” adds the former right-wing boss.

For Sarkozy, allying with the RN is a “renunciation”

Basically, the former head of state judges this LR-RN alliance “all the more inappropriate when the Republican right is so weak because it is then an absorption”. “Being the substitute for the RN is not an ambition but an acknowledgment of renunciation,” he summarizes.

“Allying yourself with the National Rally today means putting yourself in the shoes of a 28-year-old young man who, if he succeeds, will not leave your place, and if he fails, will take you with him” , he insists. Jordan Bardella “has never been in a position to manage anything” and “is under 30 years old,” notes the former manager. “Can you drive France when you are so young and inexperienced? Every French person must consider this reality.”


Nicolas Sarkozy also criticizes the dissolution decided by Emmanuel Macron, “a major risk for the country as well as for the president”. “For the country, already fractured, because this could plunge it into chaos from which it will have the greatest difficulty emerging. And for the president, who had three years left in his mandate, and I would have preferred that he used them to accomplish what the French want,” he explained.

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